I started this monthly highlight series on IG when Boston was 4 months old. I've written the first few months after the fact so they are less detailed. Overall, I find this a quick, simple, totally managable memory keeping method. I am gathering them here in one place for easy reference when I compose our 2015 and 2016 family albums. (Organization is my number one memory keeping tip!)
One month old || expert sling sleeper • dozes to the sound of brother and friends playing • loves watching the wind in the trees • snuggle baby
Two months old || smiling baby! • sitting in bumbo • expert daytime napper • loves smiling into Mumma and Daddy's face • wants to be held often • enjoys electric swing and bouncer seat • tolerates tummy time with August close at hand
Three months old || plays with rattles: whale, llama, "pinecone" • sleeps like a champ in the mountains • enjoys story time • laughs during wagon rides around Treetops • hates bath time • splashes in kiddie pool safely in Mumma's arms • observes August in awe and delight • when on the floor, pulls head and legs into the air in a crunch to watch surrounding activity
Four months old || our bear is getting so big • rolling back and forth • laughing all day with his brother • taking three naps each day • waking (too often) to nurse at night • trying not to fuss as much during car rides • engaging when I read stories • focusing a bit too much on screens for my liking • being adored by all
Five months old || favorite spot is on my hip where you can laugh with August & Daddy • light up when Daddy is near • cuddle blankets and hide beneath them • tiny tiger teddy is your favorite • laugh in your door swing, even when you're pushed too enthusiastically • suck in your bottom lip and make "little noises" to coo and blow bubbles • early this morning, you rolled between Daddy and Mumma making sounds that were so close to "hi" • tasting licks of Mumma's fruit (orange, apple, banana) • finally calm in the car • your gummy smile rocks my world
Six months old || rolls on the floor until he's under the mini table and happily stuck • smiles at everyone so long as Mumma's holding him • licks our veg at mealtime • lays and holds a crunch so he can see what's going on in the room • rides space ships, takes baths and snuggles with August • learns to stick out his tiny tongue • enjoys watching passing trees, swinging in all forms, snuggling blankies and chewing toys • has such a calm, laid-back disposition • his chubby legs earn him the nn "tank"
Seven months old || sits by himself under the tree watching the train go round and round • still loves the view from Mumma's arms • army crawls for his brother's toys • smiles, smiles, smiles • his first two teeth have broken through and if, drool is any indication, another is on the way • babbles "dadadada" when sleepy and when content • soft, chubby babydoll hands
Eight months old || favorite new game is crawl-chasing August around the living room • "dadada" all day long though still directionless • scoots self from ground to sitting, pulls up on objects, even to standing twice now 😭 • top front teeth ready to break through gums • expert at hiding under chairs, in cardboard trains, between laundry piles • opinionated about feeding himself, by himself • for that matter, opinionated when we take something from him now, things like the space heater, not toys 🙄 • cuddly and squishy and the smiliest baby I've known • laughs right along with August now too 💚
Nine months old || greets Brandon nightly with "dada" • loves pulling books from the shelf to look at, crawl over, slobber on and chew • plays for long stretches in the cardboard train alone • HATES diaper and clothing changes and being left at church nursery (still) and being spoonfed • army crawls to open doorway to stare at the trees, squirrels, leaves... • gums countless melon wedges on his way to four teeth • beams at his laughing, playing brother • eats everything in sight (finally) so long as he self-feeds • water thief • content, laid-back, adaptable little personality
Ten months old || "chats" with books and August • stands and watches busy life around • prefers eating raw fruits and peppers and cucumbers (I spoke too soon last month 😳) • determined to pull up on small, easily toppling tables • watches and copycats August (already?!) • dances to two songs (sh-boom and tractor, tractor) every time they play • five teeth and aching with the arrival of six • delights in being outdoors and listening to Dada play the guitar • welcomed 10 months with two new tricks: waving and saying "ta" (thank you) • allows me to snuggle him to sleep now and sleeps upright on Daddy's shoulder (but not mine)
Eleven months old || smiles, smiles, smiles • stands at our speaker listening to music and bopping his legs up and down • loves swings and trucks and wrecking block towers • fights sleep but naps well • explores the grass, mulch and ramp • wanders his way to the porch, running his fingers along cracked doors until they open • if thwarted, sits at door looking out • kicks his legs when music is playing
Twelve months old || have you seen this kid smile? • loves music and dancing- whether it's in the car, bathtub, high chair or standing by a speaker- he shimmies his shoulders and bops his butt and waves his arms • if fruit is in sight, forget about it, he has already inhaled it • 7 teeth and another breaking • splashes at the water table • digs in the dirt and sand at A's prompting • waves to strangers • took the tiniest only-a-mom-would-count-it step on 5/4 • responds "ya!" when he wants something and fusses when he's over it • carefully selects the top block off stacked towers