Once upon a time, there was a magical land smelling of sulfur and illuminated by head torches, pocket flashlights, cell phones, and the sparkle in a child's eye...
In this tunnel, named Stumphouse, a railroad tunnel was being built: a project doomed by war and poverty to be forgotten. Until a school called Clemson used its moist atmosphere to mold its legendary bleu cheese. Today, the tunnel is visited by locals and tourists, playing Tom Sawyer and Becky. There are three sections... the first is safe, the second eery, the third flooded with stale rain water and reeking of swirling clouds of sulfur. Illuminated, it looks like this:
But in reality, it is a dark dark place, with no light...We were a little bit scared and giddy. For more entertainment, especially when Crazy Claire came out, see Life in the Orange Sky
Nearby, is the famous Issaqueena Falls where you can sneak behind the waterfall, if you are sneaky and wear your best stealth gear.