i have a new residence. its in central, sc. i am finding that central is not very central to my life. i seem to be ten minutes from everything [except anderson and greenville]. ten from work. ten from church. ten from friends. ten from brandon. but i am within walking distance from internet and coffee. that is a nice bonus. its a very green residence. i dont mean its good for the environment. [i dont like that term "going green," by the way. it steals a favorite phrase and covers it with all sorts of connotations- negative and positive.] my walls have green frames, my clothing rests on green shelves, my kitchen is divided from my living room with green fabric. my neighbors are invisible and silent. i love my apartment. i love living on my own, most of the time. when its good, its very very good. but when its bad, its rather bad. and so, i am learning much about myself. about what makes me happy. about how to listen to the silences. about when to turn music up loudly and sing to myself. what food i like. how much i eat. how much trash i create. how quickly dirty laundry piles up. its an adventure with only myself. sometimes i get along well with me. other times, i hate me. but here i am, this is my life.
hey, your wall looks nice. can I see it sometime? ;)