I know I told some of you I went to a huge booksale in Greenville this weekend, BUT I dont think any of you really believed me when I told you how large it really was.

People were stepping on your toes to get you to say "ouch!" and step back. As soon as you did, they would jump in front of you! and this was in the COOKBOOK section! I got stuck at one point, quite on accident, in the romance section. I had made the fatal mistake of thinking it was "Fiction." Alas, I couldnt get out for a good 5 minutes as the sheer weight and excitement of the 40 year old women around me pressed in towards the table. I am sad to say, precious time was lost. But I found my Juliet Marillier treasure already, so I wasnt TOO bummed out.

Doesnt my book-loving husband look thrilled?
Oh, I'm jealous! Looks like heaven! :)