if you read the loys in clemson blog, you know that when brandon and i are living in a state of sickness or transition, we do crazy things. this weekend found us both quite "under the weather" and so, to get out of our bedroom, which was starting to feel like a cave, we moved our futon mattress from the office into the living room. this enabled us to watch football and movies without being stuck in our room. as we were sleeping lots, it was nice to be cozy and stretched out rather than squashed on the couch. i really love this futon as it was my bed the last two years before marriage, so it was nice to revisit its comforting support this weekend.

and saturday was brandon's birthday- sort of lame to be sick- but we made the most of it. we used our door-table (what? you have to be creative when living in such tiny places) as a breakfast tray and i made him breakfast in bed of strawberry slices, cinnamon rolls, coffee and orange juice. it was a very relaxing start to a long day that would end with Clemson defeating FSU in a high-scoring football game. Go Tigers! (and also Miami- who also won on Saturday and also scored high) :)
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