
mine eyes have seen the glory...

i am having a hard time deciding what to write about this morning. perhaps that is because i am freezing.

its MLK day: so there is a topic.
i have a new amazing chef's pan: maybe i could talk about that.
the call for help is still being heard for Haiti: who isn't talking about that (if you aren't, start!).
i finally painted my "dining room table:" i could image that.
i am crafting thoughts around our Paloma discussions on dreams: but they are not solidified yet.
my brother is January sad in Germany: i could dream for him.
quotes are swirling through my head: i could repeat those.
coffee- food or drink?: always a topic in my mind.

i really think i am too scattered this morning to write on one topic. i have been reading a lot of MLK quotes online and been thinking of how freedom and justice are so close to my heart. of how one person can make a difference. which brings me to Haiti. so many wonderful things are going on. there is even a new Etsy group called "Craft Hope for Haiti" at which artists donate their works and send the proceeds to Doctors without Borders. it is beautiful how people give what they can. and (this might seem trite to some of you out there/ maybe even feel like a cop-out) so, as i can give nothing else, i lift up my prayers for the hurting, the hungry, the lonely, and the poor. i believe that real, authentic, honest, raw prayer is more powerful than my finances. The Spirit can bring comfort, love and warmth to those still trapped, those still lost, those who have lost everything. That is my prayer. And I pray it often.

And do not tell me that Martin Luther King did not pray. Or that he did not understand the power of our Lord and the heart of our Savior to bring peace and justice to the world. I don't think he would mind having "his day" be a day in which we lift up Haiti to the God of the Universe and ask for intervention.


  1. being the person that told you about the american airlines thing... i guess i should be the one to also say that i found out last night it was a hoax. people actually make up stuff like that in light of all that is happening in Haiti... that's hard to stomach. at least love, and your prayers, are much louder. they win.

  2. One of my posts is inspired on this post of yours:
