

no one writes anymore. i used to check blogs daily. now, maybe it will be monthly and i am constantly disappointed. because no one writes anymore. including me. im the leader of the pack.

memory of the weekend: watching the Clemson-Wake Forest game in front of old men on The Hill. their comments were hilarious and entertaining. i love old men.

quote of the weekend: "what in the hell..." (in southern accent) referencing an awful offensive play call.

picture of the weekend: close your eyes and imagine the beautiful autumn leaves


1 comment:

  1. As modern society is so quick to do sometimes, let me offer you some technology to ease your disappointment in human kind:
    Check out Google reader, it checks all the blogs you're interested in FOR you, and puts them all in one spot. That way, your disappointment that nobody's written comes to you all at once instead of a gradual snowball of sorrow.
