its a formulatic poem: insert this type of word here: but it was therapeutic in my sore throat/ pink eye hazy state. enjoy.
I am intricate and passionate
I wonder how blue a sky can really be
I hear the whispers of faeries
I see their dance in the trees
I want to join them in the world of shadow
I am intricate and passionate
I pretend I am the wind
I feel enlightened and secretive
I touch the face of a poppy
I worry one day they will all die and
I cry when hope is crushed
I am intricate and passionate
I understand my Creator is love
I say His love to others
I dream of finding Him in a field, in a tree, in a flower
I try to remember to look for Him as
I hope the faeries continue to whisper
I am intricate and passionate
and Thanks, Jana for the formula. sorry I stole it.
i feel so close to you right now haha. I feel that at least based on my understanding, i could relate to your writing. also, i'm glad you tried it out, too! I want to do more stuff like this